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Max Req. Str:


Name Type Def Req. Str Dur Price Str Con Dex Int Tot Tot-Int
Hotspur boots_uniqueboots 10 40 400 800 2 2 4 4
Tarnhelm helmet_uniquehelmet 10 21 400 2,700 1 1 1 5 8 3
The Hand of Broc gloves_uniquegloves 14 50 400 2,600 2 5 7 2
Bloodfist gloves_uniquegloves 17 54 400 8,400 4 3 7 7
Biggins Bonnet helmet_uniquehelmet 20 25 400 19,600 3 2 3 -5 3 8
Gorefoot boots_uniqueboots 20 40 400 2,000 2 3 5 5
Magefist gloves_uniquegloves 24 60 400 13,824 4 4 8 4
Threads of Cthon boots_uniqueboots 24 40 400 4,700 2 2 4 4
Chance Guards gloves_uniquegloves 25 65 400 34,000 -5 2 10 7 -3
Coif of Glory helmet_uniquehelmet 28 40 400 11,000 5 5 5
Gargoyles Grip gloves_uniquegloves 30 70 400 26,000 -3 4 4 5 1
Greyform body_uniquebody 30 35 400 2,600 3 4 7 7
Goblin Toe boots_uniqueboots 32 50 400 7,600 4 3 -2 5 7
Wormskull helmet_uniquehelmet 35 46 400 19,000 4 3 -2 -4 1 5
Blinkbats Form body_uniquebody 40 36 400 2,000 5 5 5
Blood Bather boots_uniqueboots 40 120 800 24,000 7 7 7
Fire Touch gloves_uniquegloves 40 80 800 20,400 5 4 9 5
Soul Shoes boots_uniqueboots 40 120 800 75,000 7 7 0
Frostburn gloves_uniquegloves 45 96 800 38,400 4 -5 3 4 6 2
Tearhaunch boots_uniqueboots 47 115 800 18,000 4 -4 4 4 4
The Face of Horror helmet_uniquehelmet 48 58 400 43,000 10 -2 -4 -3 1 4
Steel Grip gloves_uniquegloves 50 120 800 78,000 14 -3 -6 -6 -1 5
The Centurion body_uniquebody 50 46 400 4,000 2 2 4 4
The Snappers boots_uniqueboots 53 120 800 56,000 -5 -5 15 5 5
Duskdeep helmet_uniquehelmet 55 61 400 24,000 2 4 6 6
Venom Grip gloves_uniquegloves 55 120 800 72,600 3 4 6 -5 8 13
Blood Seeker boots_uniqueboots 59 170 800 144,000 10 10 10
Gravepalm gloves_uniquegloves 60 140 800 123,600 8 -6 4 4 10 6
Howltusk helmet_uniquehelmet 60 65 800 28,600 6 6 6
Twitchthroe body_uniquebody 60 52 400 16,000 6 -8 6 4 4
Desert Boots boots_uniqueboots 64 180 800 168,000 -5 12 7 7
Ghoulhide gloves_uniquegloves 65 160 800 168,000 5 3 5 -4 9 13
Infernostride boots_uniqueboots 69 195 800 38,000 -4 6 7 9 2
Blood Finder helmet_uniquehelmet 70 76 800 81,400 -5 5 7 -4 3 7
Lava Gout gloves_uniquegloves 70 175 800 162,000 -5 6 6 7 7
Waterwalk boots_uniqueboots 74 225 800 324,000 -6 7 7 8 8
Swift Rider boots_uniqueboots 75 200 800 190,200 5 3 3 -8 3 11
Hellmouth gloves_uniquegloves 76 190 800 154,000 10 6 -5 11 11
Silkweave boots_uniqueboots 79 208 1200 139,000 -6 10 5 9 4
Undead Crown helmet_uniquehelmet 80 88 800 210,000 3 4 7 7
Warriors Gloves gloves_uniquegloves 81 190 800 150,000 6 -4 4 6 6
War Traveler boots_uniqueboots 83 230 1200 163,000 10 -5 -4 5 6 1
Dragons Claw gloves_uniquegloves 86 203 800 138,000 11 -5 5 11 6
Gore Rider boots_uniqueboots 87 242 1200 319,000 7 -5 7 9 9
Darkglow body_uniquebody 90 55 400 7,200 3 3 3
Peasant Crown helmet_uniquehelmet 90 128 800 880,000 7 7 7
Satans Claw gloves_uniquegloves 91 222 1200 666,000 10 5 -8 7 15
Troll Shoe boots_uniqueboots 91 220 1200 112,000 14 8 -7 -8 7 15
Cats Paw gloves_uniquegloves 96 200 1200 410,000 -7 12 5 5
Rockstopper helmet_uniquehelmet 100 90 800 330,000 -6 8 7 9 9
Thorn Spiked Boots boots_uniqueboots 100 260 1200 800,000 -5 6 7 8 1
Tiara of Truth helmet_uniquehelmet 100 120 800 220,000 -3 6 5 8 3
Holy Plate of Light Boots boots_uniqueboots 104 280 1200 1,000,000 9 6 -7 -8 0 8
Thorn Spiked Gloves gloves_uniquegloves 105 262 1200 800,000 8 4 -5 3 10 7
Darksight Helm helmet_uniquehelmet 110 94 800 270,000 8 8 8
Hawkmail body_uniquebody 120 55 400 14,000 4 4 4
Vampire Gaze helmet_uniquehelmet 120 98 800 460,000 6 6 -6 6 12
Behemoth Boots boots_uniqueboots 122 310 1200 1,200,000 -5 6 7 8 1
Holy Plate of Light Gloves gloves_uniquegloves 125 288 1200 1,000,000 6 4 3 -8 5 13
Venom Ward body_uniquebody 130 72 400 19,000 3 3 6 6
Wind Chasers Guardian Crown helmet_uniquehelmet 130 180 800 820,000 8 -5 3 3 9 6
Sparking Mail body_uniquebody 138 74 400 21,000 5 5 5
Blackhorns Face helmet_uniquehelmet 140 162 800 373,000 7 7 -6 8 8
Demonic Circlet helmet_uniquehelmet 140 145 800 720,000 5 3 5 -8 5 13
Behemoth Gloves gloves_uniquegloves 150 324 1200 1,200,000 7 5 -6 5 11 6
Shade Armlet Boots boots_uniqueboots 150 333 1200 1,400,000 9 6 -7 -8 0 8
Stealskull helmet_uniquehelmet 150 178 800 507,000 -3 4 5 7 13 6
Manic Cranium helmet_uniquehelmet 160 192 800 1,258,000 7 11 -15 3 18
Boots of Mystery boots_uniqueboots 165 365 1200 1,600,000 -8 5 9 4 10 6
Ice Blink body_uniquebody 170 88 800 26,000 1 5 6 6
Valkyrie Wing helmet_uniquehelmet 170 200 800 1,290,000 -4 12 8 8
Shade Armlet Gloves gloves_uniquegloves 175 372 1200 1,400,000 7 3 4 -9 5 14
Crown of Thieves helmet_uniquehelmet 180 204 800 920,000 -12 15 6 9 3
Heraldic Feet boots_uniqueboots 180 390 1200 1,700,000 7 14 -10 11 11
Opal Treads boots_uniqueboots 185 440 1600 1,500,000 -4 8 -4 12 12 0
Gloves of Mystery gloves_uniquegloves 190 405 1200 1,600,000 7 4 -6 4 9 5
Thorn Spiked Helmet helmet_uniquehelmet 190 225 1200 800,000 -7 5 6 5 9 4
Opal Brace gloves_uniquegloves 200 460 1600 1,500,000 -3 5 12 14 2
Holy Plate of Light Helmet helmet_uniquehelmet 205 250 1200 1,000,000 8 4 -10 2 12
Onyx Greaves boots_uniqueboots 205 455 1600 1,550,000 5 10 -5 3 13 10
Heavenly Garb body_uniquebody 210 100 800 48,000 10 10 0
Heraldic Hands gloves_uniquegloves 210 450 1200 1,700,000 8 3 3 14 14
March of the Vanguard boots_uniqueboots 218 494 1600 1,800,000 9 2 6 -4 13 17
Onyx Gauntlets gloves_uniquegloves 225 500 1600 1,550,000 8 7 7 22 15
Rockfleece body_uniquebody 230 120 800 86,000 5 5 10 10
Behemoth Helmet helmet_uniquehelmet 232 275 1200 1,200,000 -3 5 7 7 16 9
Boneflesh body_uniquebody 250 120 800 70,000 2 3 5 5
Shade Armlet Helmet helmet_uniquehelmet 272 315 1200 1,400,000 8 4 3 -11 4 15
The Spirit Shroud body_uniquebody 275 140 800 128,000 7 7 7
Skin of the Vipermagi body_uniquebody 280 130 800 220,000 -5 4 7 6 6
Helmet of Mystery helmet_uniquehelmet 320 346 1200 1,600,000 -6 7 5 7 13 6
Rattlecage body_uniquebody 330 150 800 205,000 7 3 10 10
Gods Pyjamas body_uniquebody 333 100 800 24,000 -20 -20 0
Skin of the Flayed One body_uniquebody 340 150 800 280,000 3 7 10 10
Opal Helm helmet_uniquehelmet 390 430 1600 1,500,000 -4 3 12 11 -1
Heraldic Head helmet_uniquehelmet 395 420 1200 1,700,000 2 8 3 13 13
Goldskin body_uniquebody 420 150 800 310,000 6 10 16 6
Deceits Visage helmet_uniquehelmet 435 458 1600 1,800,000 2 7 8 -8 9 17
Iron Pelt body_uniquebody 440 160 800 720,000 10 7 -5 12 17
Onyx Spire helmet_uniquehelmet 452 490 1600 1,550,000 5 2 4 2 13 11
Spirit Forge body_uniquebody 460 170 800 950,000 6 10 16 16
The Reinforced Plate body_uniquebody 465 180 800 480,000 -3 3 8 -5 3 8
Crow Caw body_uniquebody 480 195 800 510,000 6 8 14 14
Silks of the Victor body_uniquebody 500 215 800 310,000 3 3 3 3 12 9
Crystalized Armour body_uniquebody 525 255 1200 2,100,000 20 20 0
Raven Caw body_uniquebody 550 235 1200 1,200,000 6 10 16 16
Shaftstop body_uniquebody 590 260 1200 1,700,000 6 12 18 18
Duriels Shell body_uniquebody 600 248 1200 940,000 9 5 14 14
Que-Hegans Wisdom body_uniquebody 625 248 1200 770,000 2 2 6 9 19 10
Rhinohide body_uniquebody 640 290 1200 775,000 5 5 5 5 20 15
Skullders Ire body_uniquebody 660 285 1200 530,000 2 2 2 12 18 6
Satans Pyjamas body_uniquebody 666 240 800 1,000,000 -20 -20 0
Adamant Chest body_uniquebody 680 310 1200 1,000,000 2 10 -10 2 12
Blood Eater body_uniquebody 690 295 1200 756,000 5 12 17 5
Titanium body_uniquebody 700 315 1200 950,000 10 5 -8 -5 2 7
Guardian Angel body_uniquebody 760 350 1200 858,000 7 10 -5 12 17
Toothrow body_uniquebody 780 350 1200 1,100,000 7 -4 7 10 10
Atmas Wail body_uniquebody 800 360 1200 1,060,000 -8 4 12 6 14 8
Hellguard body_uniquebody 805 370 1200 1,100,000 5 10 15 15
Black Hades body_uniquebody 850 390 1200 1,200,000 10 -8 12 -10 4 14
Shroud of Mystery body_uniquebody 870 420 1600 1,550,000 4 -6 5 12 15 3
Corpsemourn body_uniquebody 900 420 1200 2,100,000 12 10 -6 16 16
Copper Soul body_uniquebody 950 475 1600 2,125,000 14 6 -8 5 17 12
Heavens Might body_uniquebody 1010 520 1600 2,300,000 6 2 6 2 16 14
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