
Welcome to Bots Unauthorized!

Hi! This is my fansite for Bots2 and it is maintained by me, Ender, better to known to some as Project X. Here you can find equipment lists, build calculators, detailed player profiles, game guides, contests, and more. Just have a look around - you're virtually guaranteed to find something that suits you.

About Ender

I'm a 38 year old software engineer from the United States. I've been playing Bots since 2002 and over the years, I've built many random utilities to help players out. In 2006, I figured it would make sense to house that scattered collection under one roof. Thus this site was born. At some point, I would like to create my own persistent browser-based game (PBBG).

Site Architecture

I'm quite happy to answer any questions about my site's architecture. Here are some of the basics:



Code Libraries

Code Snippets

Note: I've tweaked almost all of these snippets a bit to provide additional behavior, better integration with this site, etc.

Closing Remarks

Anyway, my thanks to floR for creating this wonderful game and for some behind-the-scenes work he did for this site. A part (one of data collection features) of this site would not have been possible without his cooperation. I hope you've found my site to be helpful and entertaining! Please do not hesistate to contact me with any suggestions or comments you may have.

Also be sure to add #botsunauthorized to your IRC client's autojoin. Never heard of IRC? It stands for Internet Relay Chat and I wrote a guide that explains how to connect. If you read that and still can't get it working, just bmail me and I'll help you out.

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