
Bots Unauthorized Forums » Announcements » New Shields Added

New Shields Added

Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 178
Monday, August 7, 2006, 7:05:21 am (EST)
Three new shields were added to the game recently thanks to floR and easy. These shields have been loaded into the shields list as well as the build calculator.

There has been a link to this site from within the game for over a month now (check out the "Clans" page in the game) which has provided a substantial increase in traffic. I neither got around to publicly to thanking floR nor welcoming the new visitors. So without further adieu, thank you and welcome! In related news, the page which so many of you have found this site through has at last been added to the links on the left. I am of course referring to the real wars.

Lastly, I've corrected a small bug with the news/comments timestamps which was causing oddities such as comments having timestamps that were a few hours into the future from the time which they were actually posted. Most of you probably didn't even notice this, but perhaps there were some observant enough to catch it!
(Posted before registration was required)
Monday, August 7, 2006, 10:37:14 pm (EST)
what the hell is this website about.
(Posted before registration was required)
Tuesday, August 8, 2006, 12:22:08 am (EST)
This is a fansite for a game (<a href="">Bots2</a>). How did you find it?
(Posted before registration was required)
Tuesday, August 8, 2006, 4:15:14 pm (EST)
(Posted before registration was required)
Wednesday, August 9, 2006, 4:21:48 am (EST)
Easy fix j00r prices!
(Posted before registration was required)
Wednesday, August 9, 2006, 11:08:54 pm (EST)
I can only assume you're referring to the fact that the venerated disk costs 2.6 million kudos, theoretically making 1-day ordering impossible. Reposting something I wrote in the forums the other day:

I originally thought the same thing, but it turns out you can [order the shield].

You will be charged 5 million kudos.
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