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Weapon/Armour/Shield UPGRADE

Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 30
Thursday, June 12, 2008, 3:38:38 pm (EST)
ok when im looking for the best weapons and such i find that when you click on the link ,lets say
str and you make it where the str requirement is the top down so skull axe would be at top.
well then i want to pick a good weapon that is also cheap or so
so i then click on the kudo link.
but the str is all messed up then!
i say you should make it were you can click on multiple links and they all save
link has three stages
click once = ranked lowest to highest
click again= ranked highest to lowest
click again= canceled link out completely


where you can imput lots of other things instead of just str max and your str
you should be able to put in lowest cash amount you want and highest cash amount

you see what im getting at :P

just some suggestions
Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 178
Friday, June 20, 2008, 1:42:19 am (EST)
For the sorting one, I don't see how that could work. You can't have a list sorted by two attributes at the same time. Once you click on price after str, it sorts by price. I just don't see how it could account for str still too.

For the additional filters, I would like to eventually redo the filter system to be more efficient because right now it's rather sluggish. So I'll keep this in mind for later.
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 92
Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 2:01:18 pm (EST)
Alan is all about suggesting the impossible, duh.
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